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CASA Knowledge Science Group
Dept of Computer Science
Univeristy of Calgary
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obj - Variable in class casa.ObserverNotification
obj - Variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.JavaObject
object - Variable in class casa.StatusObject
the object of whome's status we are concerned with
object - Variable in class casa.ui.ObjectFieldCache
object - Variable in class casa.util.EventPattern.Descriptor
OBJECT - Static variable in class jade.content.frame.LEAPFrameCodec
object - Variable in exception jade.semantics.interpreter.SemanticInterpretationException
Object of the exception
OBJECT - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Keyword
OBJECT - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol
OBJECT_NOTIFY - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.LispThread
OBJECT_NOTIFY_ALL - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.LispThread
OBJECT_WAIT - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.LispThread
ObjectFieldCache - Class in casa.ui
ObjectFieldCache is responsible for keeping track of the options object, the field, the original value, and the GUI elements.
ObjectFieldCache(Collection<ObjectFieldCache>, Object, Field, Object) - Constructor for class casa.ui.ObjectFieldCache
Constructs a new ObjectFieldCache given its enclosing collection object, the field's containing object, the field, and the field's value.
objects - Variable in class casa.StatusObjectList
objects - Variable in class casa.util.EquivalenceSets
ObjectSchema - Class in jade.content.schema
The common ancestor of all ontological schemas.
ObjectSchema() - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
ObjectSchemaImpl - Class in jade.content.schema
ObjectSchemaImpl() - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchemaImpl
Construct a schema that vinculates an entity to be a generic object (i.e.
ObjectSchemaImpl(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchemaImpl
Creates an ObjectSchema with a given type-name.
ObjectSchemaImpl.SlotDescriptor - Class in jade.content.schema
objectsForThread - Static variable in class casa.TransientAgent
Should be used only by #abclEval(String, Map, AgentUI, Object...) allow Lisp operator access to thread-local data through TransientAgent.getUIForThread().
objectsToClasses(Object[]) - Static method in class casa.util.CASAUtil
Given an array of objects, return an array of Class corresponding to the classes of the objects
objectTable - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Lisp
OBLIGATIONKW - Static variable in interface
ObligationNode - Class in
ObligationNode(Formula) - Constructor for class
ObligationNode() - Constructor for class
ObligationNodeOperation - Class in
ObligationNodeOperation() - Constructor for class
ObnoxiousTimeInformAgent - Class in casa.testAgents
This agent informs other agents of the time at intervals
ObnoxiousTimeInformAgent(ParamsMap, AgentUI) - Constructor for class casa.testAgents.ObnoxiousTimeInformAgent
OBSERVE - Static variable in interface casa.ML
OBSERVE_MEMBERSHIP - Static variable in interface casa.ML
OBSERVE_MESSAGES - Static variable in interface casa.ML
observedFormulas - Variable in class jade.semantics.kbase.observers.Observer
Stores the formulas to be observed.
observeFormula(Formula, FormulaFilter) - Method in class casa.conversation2.SubscribeServerConversation
observeMessage(MLMessage) - Method in class casa.CooperationDomainObserver
observeMessages(URLDescriptor, String, boolean) - Method in class casa.CooperationDomain
Adds or removes the given agent to/from the message notification list.
observeMessages - Variable in class casa.ProcessOptions
observer - Variable in class casa.conversation2.SubscribeServerConversation
Observer - Class in jade.semantics.kbase.observers
Defines a KBase observer.
Observer(KBase, Formula) - Constructor for class jade.semantics.kbase.observers.Observer
Build an Observer for the KBase given as an argument.
Observer(KBase, Formula, long) - Constructor for class jade.semantics.kbase.observers.Observer
Builds an Observer for the kbase given as an argument.
Observer(KBase, Formula, Date) - Constructor for class jade.semantics.kbase.observers.Observer
Builds an Observer for the kbase given as an argument.
ObserverAdapter - Class in jade.semantics.kbase.observers
ObserverAdapter(KBase, Formula) - Constructor for class jade.semantics.kbase.observers.ObserverAdapter
Creates a new Observer
ObserverAdapter(KBase, Formula, long) - Constructor for class jade.semantics.kbase.observers.ObserverAdapter
Creates a new Observer with timeout
ObserverAdapter(KBase, Formula, Date) - Constructor for class jade.semantics.kbase.observers.ObserverAdapter
Creates a new Observer
ObserverComparator() - Constructor for class casa.CasaObservableObject.ObserverComparator
observerDelegate - Variable in class casa.AbstractProcess
This class should actually multiply inherit from Thread and CasaObservable, but this is Java, so it can't: Instead we're forced to hold this reference to an ObservableState object.
ObserverNotification - Class in casa
Title: EventNotification
ObserverNotification(ProcessInterface, String, Object) - Constructor for class casa.ObserverNotification
ObserverNotification(String) - Constructor for class casa.ObserverNotification
observers - Variable in class jade.semantics.kbase.ArrayListKBaseImpl
List of observers
observersToApplied - Variable in class jade.semantics.kbase.ArrayListKBaseImpl
HashSet of Observations which contains the observers to trigger when a formula is asserted
observing - Variable in class casa.event.MessageObserverEvent
ObservingAgentUI - Class in casa.ui
This class is meant to be a handy superclass for UIs that want to observer an owner agent for trace messages, or other events.
ObservingAgentUI(TransientAgent) - Constructor for class casa.ui.ObservingAgentUI
obtainHistory - Variable in class casa.testAgents.ChatAgent
A boolean value that determines if the agent will retrieve the history of a cooperation domain whenever it joins it.
obtainHistory - Variable in class casa.ui.CreateAgentDialog
oddp() - Method in class org.armedbear.lisp.Bignum
oddp() - Method in class org.armedbear.lisp.Fixnum
ODDP() - Method in class org.armedbear.lisp.LispObject
oddp() - Method in class org.armedbear.lisp.LispObject
ODDP - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Primitives
ODDP - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol
OFF - Static variable in class jade.util.Logger
Special level to be used to turn off logging
OFFER_TO_BUY - Static variable in class casa.transaction.AbstractTransactionAgent
Conversation constants
OFFER_TO_SELL - Static variable in class casa.transaction.AbstractTransactionAgent
offerCommand - Variable in class casa.service.ServiceAgent.ServiceDescriptor
offset - Variable in class
offset - Variable in class
offset - Variable in class
offset - Variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Stream
okToObserve(IdentifyingExpression) - Method in class casa.conversation2.SubscribeServerConversation
oldDefSpeed - Variable in class iRobotCreate.CliffCalibratingController
Save the old speed to restore it after calibration
OldSocialCommitmentFilter - Class in casa.socialcommitments
OldSocialCommitmentFilter is a ...
OldSocialCommitmentFilter(long) - Constructor for class casa.socialcommitments.OldSocialCommitmentFilter
oldSyserr - Variable in class casa.util.SysoutToBitBucket
oldSysout - Variable in class casa.util.SysoutToBitBucket
onBumpsAndWheelDrops(int) - Method in class iRobotCreate.Controller
onBumpsAndWheelDrops(int) - Method in class iRobotCreate.StateBasedController
onButtonPressed_advance() - Method in class iRobotCreate.Controller
React to the advance button by stopping the engines.
onButtonPressed_advance() - Method in class iRobotCreate.StateBasedController
onButtonPressed_play() - Method in class iRobotCreate.Controller
React to the play button by driving forward at Controller.defSpeed.
onButtonPressed_play() - Method in class iRobotCreate.StateBasedController
onButtonPressed_playAndAdvance() - Method in class iRobotCreate.Controller
React to a press of both the andvace and play button by starting the "return to home" demo if not already running a demo, or canceling the demo if there is already a demo running.
onButtonPressed_playAndAdvance() - Method in class iRobotCreate.StateBasedController
ONE - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.DoubleFloat
ONE - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Fixnum
ONE - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.SingleFloat
ONE_MINUS - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Primitives
ONE_MINUS - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol
ONE_PLUS - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Primitives
ONE_PLUS - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol
onePixel - Static variable in class casa.ui.CustomIcons
onLine - Variable in class iRobotCreate.LineFollower
onOvercurrent(int) - Method in class iRobotCreate.Controller
onOvercurrent(int) - Method in class iRobotCreate.StateBasedController
ont - Variable in class casa.ontology.v3.ConstraintSimple
ONT__ASSERT - Static variable in interface casa.ontology.Ontology
ONT__DESCRIBE - Static variable in interface casa.ontology.Ontology
ONT__GET - Static variable in interface casa.ontology.Ontology
ONT__GET_RESIDENT - Static variable in interface casa.ontology.Ontology
ONT__IMPORT - Static variable in interface casa.ontology.Ontology
ONT__INDIVIDUAL - Static variable in interface casa.ontology.Ontology
ONT__IS_INDIVIDUAL - Static variable in interface casa.ontology.Ontology
ONT__IS_OBJECT - Static variable in interface casa.ontology.Ontology
ONT__IS_TYPE - Static variable in interface casa.ontology.Ontology
ONT__RELATED_TO - Static variable in interface casa.ontology.Ontology
ONT__RELATION - Static variable in interface casa.ontology.Ontology
Lisp operator: (DEFTBOXREL name {keys {rel}}*)
ONT__SET_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface casa.ontology.Ontology
ONT__TYPE - Static variable in interface casa.ontology.Ontology
onto - Variable in class jade.content.onto.ConceptSlotFunction
OntoACLMessage - Class in jade.content
Utility class that allow using an ACLMessage object as an ontological agent action.
OntoACLMessage() - Constructor for class jade.content.OntoACLMessage
Construct an ontological ACL message whose performative is ACLMessage.NOT_UNDERSTOOD
OntoACLMessage(int) - Constructor for class jade.content.OntoACLMessage
Construct an ontological ACL message with a given performative
OntoAID - Class in jade.content
Utility class that allow using an AID object as an ontological concept.
OntoAID() - Constructor for class jade.content.OntoAID
Constructs an ontological Agent-Identifier whose slot name is set to an empty string
OntoAID(String, boolean) - Constructor for class jade.content.OntoAID
Constructor for an ontological Agent-identifier
ontologies - Variable in class casa.jade.ContentManager
ontologies - Variable in class jade.content.ContentManager
ontology - Variable in class casa.AbstractProcess
The performative type hierarchy for this agent
ONTOLOGY - Static variable in interface casa.KQML
parameter indicating the ongology used in the content of the message
ONTOLOGY - Static variable in interface casa.ML
Tag indicating the ontology used in the content part of the message.
Ontology - Interface in casa.ontology
ONTOLOGY - Static variable in interface casa.ontology.Ontology
ontology - Static variable in class casa.ontology.owl2.OWLOntology_JavaInterTest
ontology - Static variable in class casa.ontology.owl2.OWLOntologyWithKB_JavaTest
ontology - Variable in class casa.ontology.v3.Name
ontology - Variable in class jade.content.onto.BeanOntologyBuilder
Ontology - Class in jade.content.onto
An application-specific ontology describes the elements that agents can use within content of messages.
Ontology(String, Ontology) - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Construct an Ontology object with a given name that extends a given ontology.
Ontology(String, Introspector) - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Construct an Ontology object with a given name that uses a given Introspector to convert between Java objects and abstract descriptors.
Ontology(String, Ontology, Introspector) - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Construct an Ontology object with a given name that extends a given ontology and that uses a given Introspector to convert between Java objects and abstract descriptors.
Ontology(String, Ontology[], Introspector) - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Construct an Ontology object with a given name that extends a given set of ontologies and that uses a given Introspector to convert between Java objects and abstract descriptors.
ontology - Variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
ONTOLOGY - Static variable in interface jade.lang.acl.ACLParserConstants
ONTOLOGY - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.StringACLCodec
ontology_lispImpl(TransientAgent, ParamsMap, AgentUI, Environment) - Static method in class casa.ontology.v3.CASAOntology
ONTOLOGY_NAME - Static variable in class
ONTOLOGY_NAME - Static variable in class
ONTOLOGY_NAME - Static variable in class
ONTOLOGY_NAME - Static variable in class
ONTOLOGY_VERSION - Static variable in interface casa.ML
Tag indicating the ontology used in the content part of the message.
ontologyEngine - Variable in class casa.TransientAgent
ontologyEngineCreateMethod - Variable in class casa.TransientAgent
ontologyEngineLoadMethod - Variable in class casa.TransientAgent
OntologyEntity - Interface in casa.ontology
A member of an Ontology.
OntologyException - Exception in jade.content.onto
Generic exception of the content support.
OntologyException(String) - Constructor for exception jade.content.onto.OntologyException
Construct an OntologyException with a given message.
OntologyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jade.content.onto.OntologyException
OntologyFilter - Class in casa.jade
This filter applies when a "formula" is queried from the belief Base.
OntologyFilter() - Constructor for class casa.jade.OntologyFilter
Creates a new OntologyFilter on the different patterns
OntologyFilter.Predicate - Class in casa.jade
A simple class to store the data about a predicate
OntologyFilter.PredType - Enum in casa.jade
A simple enum to identify the various types of predicates that we handle.
OntologyFilterArgument - Class in casa
OntologyFilterArgument() - Constructor for class casa.OntologyFilterArgument
OntologyFilterTest - Class in casa.jade
OntologyFilterTest() - Constructor for class casa.jade.OntologyFilterTest
ontologyShared - Static variable in class casa.AbstractProcess
OntologyUtils - Class in jade.content.onto
OntologyUtils() - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.OntologyUtils
onValueChange(CasaKB, String, FormulaFilter, Runnable1<Object, Object>) - Static method in class casa.jade.BeliefObserver
Creates a BeliefObserver and adds it to the kbase so that runnable is executed every time the var changes, subject to the filter.
OPEN - Static variable in interface casa.KQML
corresponds to an open bracket character and signifies the beginning of a KQML message
open - Variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Stream
OPEN - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol
OPEN_BRACKET - Static variable in interface
OPEN_CDATA - Static variable in interface casa.XML
String designating the beginning of the portion of the XMLMessage NOT to be parsed (the contents of the message).
open_stream_p - Class in org.armedbear.lisp
open_stream_p() - Constructor for class org.armedbear.lisp.open_stream_p
OPEN_STREAM_P - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.open_stream_p
OPEN_STREAM_P - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol
OPENBSD - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Keyword
openBTIO(ParamsMap, AgentUI) - Method in class iRobotCreate.iRobotCreate
openFrame(JInternalFrame) - Method in class casa.ui.MDIDesktopManager
openInputStream() - Method in class iRobotCreate.iRobotCreate
openInputStream() - Method in interface iRobotCreate.SerialIO
openInputStream() - Method in class iRobotCreate.SerialIO_sun
openOutputStream() - Method in class iRobotCreate.iRobotCreate
openOutputStream() - Method in interface iRobotCreate.SerialIO
openOutputStream() - Method in class iRobotCreate.SerialIO_sun
OPENPAREN - Static variable in class casa.TokenParser
OPENTAG - Static variable in interface casa.XML
Corresponds to an open bracket character and signifies the beginning of a XML tag.
OPERANDS - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Keyword
OPERANDS - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol
Operation(SocialCommitmentsStore.Operator, SocialCommitment) - Constructor for class casa.socialcommitments.SocialCommitmentsStore.Operation
OPERATION - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Keyword
OPERATION - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol
Operator() - Constructor for enum casa.socialcommitments.SocialCommitmentsStore.Operator
operator - Variable in class casa.util.EventPattern.Descriptor
Operator(String) - Constructor for enum casa.util.EventPattern.Operator
operator - Variable in class casa.util.unused.LogicalNode
operator - Variable in class casa.util.unused.PropositionNode
operator - Variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.LispStackFrame
Operator - Class in org.armedbear.lisp
Operator() - Constructor for class org.armedbear.lisp.Operator
operator - Variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.WrongNumberOfArgumentsException
OPERATORSTATE - Static variable in interface
OPERATORSTATE - Static variable in interface
OPT_COPY_TO_SYSERR - Static variable in class casa.util.Trace
Copies output to syserr.
OPT_COPY_TO_SYSOUT - Static variable in class casa.util.Trace
Copies output to sysout.
OPT_FORCE_STACK_TRACE - Static variable in class casa.util.Trace
Default for print methods that include an Exception parameter where the Exception is non-null.
OPT_INCLUDE_CODE_LINE_NUMBER - Static variable in class casa.util.Trace
Default for error and warning tags.
OPT_SUPPRESS_AGENT_LOG - Static variable in class casa.util.Trace
Only applicable to the process-wide Trace; forces output to sysout rather than trying to find an agent.
OPT_SUPPRESS_HEADER_ON_SYSOUT - Static variable in class casa.util.Trace
Suppresses the header block and >>>> flagging when printing to sysout or syserr
OPT_SUPRESS_STACK_TRACE - Static variable in class casa.util.Trace
Default for print methods that do not include an Exception parameter or method calls that have a null Exception parameter.
OPTIMIZE - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol
OPTIONAL - Static variable in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Canstant value indicating that a slot in a schema is optional, i.e.
OPTIONAL - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Closure
optionality - Variable in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchemaImpl.SlotDescriptor
optionalParameters - Variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Closure
options - Variable in class casa.AbstractProcess
The user-setable and potential persistent options for this object type.
options - Variable in class casa.ui.CasaAgentTree
options - Variable in class casa.ui.OptionsDialog
OptionsDialog - Class in casa.ui
Copyright: Copyright 2003-2014, Knowledge Science Group, University of Calgary.
OptionsDialog() - Constructor for class casa.ui.OptionsDialog
OptionsDialog(Frame, String, boolean, ProcessOptions) - Constructor for class casa.ui.OptionsDialog
OptionsDialog_buttonCancel_actionAdapter - Class in casa.ui
OptionsDialog_buttonCancel_actionAdapter(OptionsDialog) - Constructor for class casa.ui.OptionsDialog_buttonCancel_actionAdapter
OptionsDialog_buttonOK_actionAdapter - Class in casa.ui
OptionsDialog_buttonOK_actionAdapter(OptionsDialog) - Constructor for class casa.ui.OptionsDialog_buttonOK_actionAdapter
optionsToString(String, Object) - Static method in class casa.TransientAgent
optionsValueCache - Variable in class casa.ui.OptionsDialog
OpType() - Constructor for enum casa.policy.Policy.OpType
OR - Static variable in interface
or(ListOfFormula) - Static method in class
Builds the disjunction of a list of formulas.
OR - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Primitives
OR - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol
OR_LEFT - Static variable in interface
OR_OPERATOR - Static variable in class casa.util.unused.LogicalNode
OR_RIGHT - Static variable in interface
orc1(SimpleBitVector, SimpleBitVector) - Method in class org.armedbear.lisp.SimpleBitVector
orc2(SimpleBitVector, SimpleBitVector) - Method in class org.armedbear.lisp.SimpleBitVector
orderAlternativeLeaves(Term, Term) - Method in class
orderAndLeaves(Formula, Formula) - Method in class
ordered - Variable in class casa.abcl.CasaLispOperator
OrderedFrame - Class in jade.content.frame
Generic class representing all frames (such as aggregates and content-element-lists) whose composing elements can be retrieved by an index.
OrderedFrame(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.frame.OrderedFrame
Create an OrderedFrame with a given type-name.
orderedKeys - Variable in class jade.content.abs.AbsObjectImpl
This list keeps the keys in the same order as they were added
orderOrLeaves(Formula, Formula) - Method in class
OrFilter - Class in jade.semantics.kbase.filters.std.query
This filter applies when an "or formula" is asserted in the KBase.
OrFilter() - Constructor for class jade.semantics.kbase.filters.std.query.OrFilter
Creates a new Filter on the pattern (B ??agent (or ??phi ??psi)) - package
org.armedbear.lisp.util - package org.armedbear.lisp.util
org.eclipse.wb.swing - package org.eclipse.wb.swing - package
originalSysErr - Static variable in class casa.util.Trace
originalSysOut - Static variable in class casa.util.Trace
originX - Variable in class casa.ui.DesktopWatcher
originY - Variable in class casa.ui.DesktopWatcher
ORKW - Static variable in interface
OrNode - Class in
OrNode(Formula, Formula) - Constructor for class
OrNode() - Constructor for class
OrNode.Operations - Interface in
OrNodeOperations - Class in
OrNodeOperations() - Constructor for class
ostream - Variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.SlimeInputStream
OsX - Class in casa.platform
OsX provides a means to handle the AppleEvent for quit.
OsX() - Constructor for class casa.platform.OsX
private because singleton
otherAgentLabel - Variable in class casa.ui.TypeEditDialog
OtherAgents - Variable in class casa.jade.CasaKB
otherAgentTextField - Variable in class casa.ui.TypeEditDialog
otherAgentTextField_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class casa.ui.TypeEditDialog
otherIndex - Static variable in class casa.LAC
OTHERWISE - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol
out(String) - Method in class casa.AbstractProcess
Debugging method: should be the last line of every method (and every exiting branch) in this class and in every subclass.
out - Variable in class casa.util.SysoutToBitBucket
out - Variable in class jade.lang.acl.StringACLCodec
out - Variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.EchoStream
out - Variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Stream
out - Variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.TwoWayStream
OUT_SYNONYM_OF - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Stream
outBuffer - Variable in class jade.content.frame.LEAPFrameCodec
OuterMap() - Constructor for class casa.socialcommitments.SocialCommitmentsStore.OuterMap
OUTPUT - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Keyword
output - Variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.ShellCommand
OUTPUT_OBJECT - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol
output_stream_p - Class in org.armedbear.lisp
output_stream_p() - Constructor for class org.armedbear.lisp.output_stream_p
OUTPUT_STREAM_P - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.output_stream_p
OUTPUT_STREAM_P - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol
outputFormattedString(String, LispObject) - Method in class org.armedbear.lisp.Primitives.pf__format
outputStream - Variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Interpreter
outputStream - Variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.ShellCommand
outputStream - Variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.util.RandomAccessCharacterFile
outputStreamError() - Method in class org.armedbear.lisp.ConcatenatedStream
outstandingRequests - Variable in class casa.TransientAgent
Used to record all outgoing requests to match against incomming reply-requests (and then remove them).
outStream - Variable in class casa.ui.BufferedAgentUI
outStream - Variable in class casa.ui.CommandPanel
outStream - Variable in class iRobotCreate.iRobotCreate
The output stream
outStream - Variable in class iRobotCreate.simulator.RobotSimulator
The output stream that this class communicates through with the agent that runs it.
outStream - Variable in class jade.content.frame.LEAPFrameCodec
outStreamName - Variable in class iRobotCreate.iRobotCreate
outSynonymOf(LispObject) - Static method in class org.armedbear.lisp.Lisp
overcurrentEvent - Variable in class iRobotCreate.Controller
OVERFLOW - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Keyword
overlay(PerformDescriptor, TransientAgent) - Method in class casa.PerformDescriptor
overlay this PerformDescriptor over the argument PerformDescriptor conditionally.
overrides(EventDescriptor) - Method in class casa.event.EventDescriptor
Determines if this EventDescriptor should override (replace, takes precidence over) the other one such that the other one's associated policy doesn't get executed at all.
overrides(EventDescriptor) - Method in class casa.event.MessageEventDescriptor
Determines if this EventDescriptor should override (replace, takes precedence over) the other one such that the other one's associated policy doesn't get executed at all.
overrides(Relation) - Method in interface casa.ontology.v3.RuleBasedRelationType
overrides(Relation) - Method in class casa.ontology.v3.TypeListType
OverUnderFlowCheck(LispObject) - Static method in class org.armedbear.lisp.MathFunctions
Checks number for over- or underflow values.
OverUnderFlowCheck(float) - Static method in class org.armedbear.lisp.MathFunctions
Checks number for over- or underflow values.
OverUnderFlowCheck(double) - Static method in class org.armedbear.lisp.MathFunctions
Checks number for over- or underflow values.
OVERWRITE - Static variable in class org.armedbear.lisp.Keyword
OWLOntology - Class in casa.ontology.owl2
A regular {link org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology} overlaid with the CASA-standard Ontology interface.
OWLOntology(OWLOntologyManager, OWLOntologyID) - Constructor for class casa.ontology.owl2.OWLOntology
Normally, one would not call this constructor; instead, you should use #open(String) or #open(String, String) to create an ontology.
OWLOntology_JavaInterTest - Class in casa.ontology.owl2
OWLOntology_JavaInterTest() - Constructor for class casa.ontology.owl2.OWLOntology_JavaInterTest
OWLOntology_LispInterTest - Class in casa.ontology.owl2
OWLOntology_LispInterTest() - Constructor for class casa.ontology.owl2.OWLOntology_LispInterTest
OwlOntologyTiming - Class in casa.jade
OwlOntologyTiming() - Constructor for class casa.jade.OwlOntologyTiming
OwlOntologyTiming - Class in casa.ontology.owl2
OwlOntologyTiming() - Constructor for class casa.ontology.owl2.OwlOntologyTiming
OwlOntologyTiming.predEnum - Enum in casa.jade
OwlOntologyTiming.predEnum - Enum in casa.ontology.owl2
OwlOntologyTiming.TableRow - Class in casa.jade
OwlOntologyTiming.TableRow - Class in casa.ontology.owl2
OwlOntologyTiming.typeEnum - Enum in casa.jade
OwlOntologyTiming.typeEnum - Enum in casa.ontology.owl2
OWLOntologyWithKB_JavaTest - Class in casa.ontology.owl2
OWLOntologyWithKB_JavaTest() - Constructor for class casa.ontology.owl2.OWLOntologyWithKB_JavaTest
owner - Variable in class casa.agentCom.TCPChannel
The socket server that "owns" this object.
owner - Variable in class casa.conversation2.BoundSymbolObject.Symbols
owner - Variable in class casa.ontology.v3.HierarchicalDictionary
ownerConversationID - Variable in class casa.socialcommitments.SocialCommitment
The ID of the Conversation in which the Social Commitment was formed
ownerSC - Variable in class casa.socialcommitments.Action
The social commitment that "owns" this Action (if there is one).
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CASA Knowledge Science Group
Dept of Computer Science
Univeristy of Calgary