University of Calgary
Rob Kremer
Iteration 3 Details

SENG 403: Software Development in Teams and Organizations
Winter 2014
Department of Computer Science

What is to be done?

Identify a number of features that need to be implemented for this iteration. You will have to talk to your customer to know exactly what they want. I.e. you will have to conduct a planning meeting with your customer. Usually you will not be able to deliver everything the customer wants in one iteration. So you will have to prioritize the features. Make sure you write unit tests for the features you decide to implement. You will be evaluated based on the deliverables below, the quality of the system produced, and your adherence to the practices described in class.

As part of this iteration, you will be asked to add or change certain requirements in your system. Please provide all the details on what needed to be changed in order to fulfill the new requirements. For example:

Outcomes & Deliverables

(a) You should have a working system that the customer as well as the instructor and the TAs can run without complications. You will be asked to show your code and the tests you wrote for the implemented features. You will present the system to your customer on-demand.

(b) Submit a report that includes the following items:
  • A table that summarizes what you have planned and achieved throughout the project. Make sure you include enough details as shown in the sample table below.
Iteration Planned Stories Planned Tasks Priority Implemented
Velocity = 12
1.1 As a user, I should be able to post my resume 1.1.1 upload resume MUST Yes

1.1.2 fill out online form MUST Yes

1.2 As a user, I should ............. 1.2.1 ........ SHOULD No - carried over to iteration 2.

Velocity = 10.5
2.1 ................... 2.2.1 ....... MUST No - dropped after negotiating with the customer

  • Pictures of your story board at different points in the iteration (weekly snapshots).
  • A short description of the results of the retrospective for this iteration along with some pictures highlighting the different stages of the retrospective meeting.
  • Details on what needed to be changed in order to fulfill the new requirements.
  • A detailed evaluation of your system in terms of: design (coupling, cohesion, ... ), testing (coverage, mockups, ... ), code readability, extensibility, known issues (usability problems, bugs, ... ) and their severities, and use of tool support (CI, SVN, testing framework, ...).
  • The individual efforts of each member. For example, John implemented stories A and B, wrote the tests for stories A, B, C and D, wrote section 3.1 in the report and reviewed sections 1 and 2.
  • As usual, the report should be targeted to your customer and should have already been "signed off" by the customer (your TA) in the form of an attached critique of the report.
(c) Each member in the team should submit a peer-evaluation report. The peer-evaluation report should also include one paragraph describing your overall experience as an agile team member. Discuss positive aspects as well as negative aspects.


SENG 403: Software Development in Teams and Organizations
Department of Computer Science

Last updated 2012-01-09 12:02
Rob Kremer