University of Calgary
Rob Kremer
Search Samples:
Traveling Salesman

CPSC 433: Artificial Intelligence

Department of Computer Science

Problem Description:

See also the wikipedia article for a LOT more detail about the problem.

The traveling salesman problem is an old problem (1930!) that is very well studied.  The problem is this: Given a list of cities and a list of cost/distance/difficulty between connected cities, determine the optimal route a salesman could travel to visit every one of the cites at least once, terminating with the starting city.  You will recognize the input to the problem is a graph, an example of which is given at right.  The graph, of course, is not necessarily fully connected.  Variants of the problem include a directed graph version, where the arcs can only be followed in the direction given (eg: you can imagine an airline that has a Calgary-Edmonton-Vancouver circle route in one direction only; ie: no direct route Calgary-Vancouver).

Give a fully-specified formal model and process for an arbitrary traveling salesman problem.

Also give a fully-specified formal search instance for the problem:

Starting city: A
Cities: (A B C D)
Connections: ((A B 10) (A D 15) (B C 7) (B D 4) (C D 6))

CPSC 433: Artificial Intelligence
Department of Computer Science

Last updated 2013-08-31 00:00
Rob Kremer