University of Calgary
Rob Kremer
Example Solution: And Tree/
Sort (Merge Sort)

CPSC 433: Artifical Intelligence
Department of Computer Science


A: (S,T)
S: Atree
Atree: (pr, sol:{yes,?}, b1:Atree, ... ,bn:Atree), n>=0
pr: {x: seq N}  // a problem is any sequence of natural numbers
pr =________

T: S x S,
T= {(s1, s2) | s1 ∈ S /\ s2 ∈ S • Erw (s1, s2) \/ Erw* (s2, s1)}
Erw((pr, ?), (pr, yes)) /\ \/ // mark solved
Erw((pr, ?, (pr1, yes), (pr2, yes))) where solution = merge(solution pr1, solution pr2) \/
Erw((pr, ?), (pr, ?, (pr1, ?), ..., (prn, ?))) \/ // expand children
Erw((pr, ?, b1, ..., bn), (pr, ?, b1', ..., bn')), ∃1 j | j ≤ n • ∀ i | i ≠ j • Erw(bj, bj') /\ bi = bi' // deal with a child
Erw*((pr, ?, b1, ... , bn), (pr, ?, b1', ... , bn')), ∀ i • Erw*(bi, bi') \/ bi' = bi' // backtrack
ErwmarkSolved((pr, ?)) → (pr, yes) if sorted pr // A problem is solved if it's a sorted sequence
ErwexpandChildren((pr, ?)) → (pr, ?, pr', pr") where pr' is the first half of pr and pr" is the second half of pr.
ErwdealWithAChild= <random>
Erw*= <not needed>


P: (A, Env, K)
Env: <none>
K: <random>

Search Instance

Ins = (s0, G)
s0 =  << 3 4 2 1 >>
G: s → {yes,no}
G(pr,?) = sorted pr


         << 3 4 2 1 >>
           /              \ yes, merge(<<3 4>>,<<1 2>>)=<<1 2 3 4>>
<< 3 4 >>    << 2 1 >>
    yes               /     \   yes, merge(<<2>>,<<1>>)=<<1 2>>
                  <<2>>  <<1>>
                     yes        yes

CPSC 433: Arficial Intelligence
Department of Computer Science

Last updated 2013-09-01 15:45
Rob Kremer