Dickson Lukose Rob Kremer

KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING, PART A: Knowledge Representation

Lecture 2. Psychological Evidence

2.1. Introduction
2.2. Percepts
2.3. Mechanisms of Perception
2.4. Conceptual Encoding
2.5. Schemata
2.6. Working Registers
2.7. Recognition and Recall

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Percepts

2.3. Mechanisms of Perception

2.4. Conceptual Encoding

2.5. Schemata

 2.6. Working Registers

2.7. Recognition and Recall

2.8. Central Controller

# Motion of tongue, lips and other parts of the body must be continuous according to laws of physics.  Sensory channels for reci\eiving input are either continuous or discretised with sch a fine
mesh that distinct units are not preceptible.  Emotions are internal states that depend on the continous
variability of hormones and other substances in the blood.
$ originally proposed as a mechanism of perception

Dickson Lukose &  Rob KremerKNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING, PART A: Knowledge Representation.  July 1996. 